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Configuring summary tasks

Default functionality

A summary task is a group of tasks, milestones and other summary tasks (or other custom items created by a user). A summary task has the next default settings:

  • The start and end dates of a summary task depend on child tasks. If a child task is rescheduled to start before the start date of a summary task, the summary task's start date changes. If a child task is rescheduled to end after a summary task's end date, the summary task's end date changes.
  • Its start and end dates cannot be changed separately. That's why a summary task's bar cannot be resized. A user can drag a summary task only with its child tasks. If a summary task is shifted, all its child tasks will be moved too.
  • The progress of summary tasks is set manually in UI and does not depend on the progress of its child tasks (please, see Change task progress)
  • Tasks with child tasks are not converted into summary tasks automatically, a user can convert a task into another type manually ( see convert one task type into another)

The Gantt API allows configuring this default behavior.

Enabling the auto calculation of summary tasks' progress

By default, a user can set the progress of tasks only manually. The example below demonstrates how to enable the auto calculation of summary tasks' progress that will be based on the progress of its child tasks. The formula that is applied for calculation is ∑d*p / ∑d , where "d" is task duration in days and "p" is the task progress, and "∑" stands for a sum of all loaded tasks.

import { getData } from "./data";
import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

const dayDiff = (next, prev) => {
const d = (next - prev) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
return Math.ceil(Math.abs(d));

const data = getData();

let tasks = data.tasks;
let gApi;

function getSummaryProgress(id) {
const [totalProgress, totalDuration] = collectProgressFromKids(id);
const res = totalProgress / totalDuration;
return isNaN(res) ? 0 : Math.round(res);
function collectProgressFromKids(id) {
let totalProgress = 0,
totalDuration = 0;
const kids = gApi.getTask(id).data;

kids?.forEach((kid) => {
let duration = 0;
if (kid.type !== "milestone" && kid.type !== "summary") {
duration = kid.duration || dayDiff(kid.end, kid.start);
totalDuration += duration;
totalProgress += duration * kid.progress;

const [p, d] = collectProgressFromKids(;
totalProgress += p;
totalDuration += d;
return [totalProgress, totalDuration];

function recalcSummaryProgress(id, self) {
const { tasks } = gApi.getState();
const task = gApi.getTask(id);

if (task.type != "milestone") {
const summary = self && task.type === "summary" ? id : tasks.getSummaryId(id);

if (summary) {
const progress = getSummaryProgress(summary);
gApi.exec("update-task", {
id: summary,
task: { progress },

function init(api) {
gApi = api;

// provide valid progresses from start
// will load data and then explicitly update summary tasks
api.getState().tasks.forEach((task) => {
recalcSummaryProgress(, true);

// auto progress calculations
api.on("add-task", ({ id }) => {
api.on("update-task", ({ id }) => {

api.on("delete-task", ({ source }) => {
recalcSummaryProgress(source, true);
api.on("copy-task", ({ id }) => {
api.on("move-task", ({ id, source, inProgress }) => {
if (inProgress) return;

if (api.getTask(id).parent != source) recalcSummaryProgress(source, true);


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Making parent tasks auto convert into summary tasks

By default, a user can convert other tasks into a summary task only manually. The example below shows how to make all parent tasks automatically convert into a summary task and vice versa (from "summary" to "task" in case no child tasks found in a task).

The getTask method is used to identify if it's a parent task. The api.exec() method triggers the update-task action for a parent task and changes the task type to "summary". The same method is applied to change the task type into "task" in case the length of the data array is 0 (no child items found). The getState() method identifies the type of each task, and the api.on() method listens to the add-task, move-task, and delete-task actions to convert parent tasks to summary tasks and explicitly update summary tasks while loading data.

import { getData } from "./data";
import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

export let skinSettings;

const data = getData();
let api;

function toSummary(id, self) {
const task = api.getTask(id);
if (!self) id = task.parent;

if (id && task.type !== "summary") {
api.exec("update-task", {
task: { type: "summary" },

function toTask(id) {
const obj = api.getTask(id);
if (obj && ! {
api.exec("update-task", {
task: { type: "task" },

$: if (api) {
// convert parent tasks to summary
// will load data and then explicitly update summary tasks
api.getState().tasks.forEach((task) => {
if ( {
toSummary(, true);

api.on("add-task", ({ id, mode }) => {
if (mode === "child") toSummary(id);

api.on("move-task", ({ id, source, mode, inProgress }) => {
if (inProgress) return;
if (mode == "child") toSummary(id);
else toTask(source);

api.on("delete-task", ({ source }) => {

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Disabling the ability to drag the bar of a summary task

To disable the ability to drag a summary task's bar in UI, in the example below we apply the api.intercept() method to modify the drag-task action for the "summary" task type. To identify the task type, we apply the getTask method.

import { getData } from "./data";
import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

const data = getData();
let api;

$: if (api) {
api.intercept("drag-task", ({ id, top }) => {
return !(typeof top === "undefined" && api.getTask(id).type == "summary");
scales={data.scales} />