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Installation and initialization

SVAR Gantt is an open-source library distributed under the GPLv3 license.

Installing Gantt

To install the Svelte Gantt library, you should run the following command:

npm install wx-svelte-gantt

yarn add wx-svelte-gantt

Working with Svelte 4.x

If you want to use the library with an older version of the Svelte toolkit, you can do so by using the 1.x version of the widget

npm install wx-svelte-gantt@1.2.0


Import the Gantt component.

import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

<Gantt />

Initialize Gantt. Such properties as tasks, links, scales, columns are core elements of the Gantt chart but they are not required for the initialization stage. The example below will create an empty chart with the timescale and the area for tasks tree:

import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

<Gantt />

The next example shows how to create a simple chart one summary task and one task in it, and two separate tasks and one dependency link between them. The minimum scales unit is "day".

import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

const tasks = [
id: 20,
text: "New Task",
start: new Date(2024, 5, 11),
end: new Date(2024, 6, 12),
duration: 1,
progress: 2,
type: "task",
lazy: false,
id: 47,
text: "[1] Master project",
start: new Date(2024, 5, 12),
end: new Date(2024, 7, 12),
duration: 8,
progress: 0,
parent: 0,
type: "summary",
id: 22,
text: "Task",
start: new Date(2024, 7, 11),
end: new Date(2024, 8, 12),
duration: 8,
progress: 0,
parent: 47,
type: "task",
id: 21,
text: "New Task 2",
start: new Date(2024, 7, 10),
end: new Date(2024, 8, 12),
duration: 3,
progress: 0,
type: "task",
lazy: false,

const links = [{ id: 1, source: 20, target: 21, type: "e2e" }];

const scales = [
{ unit: "month", step: 1, format: "MMMM yyy" },
{ unit: "day", step: 1, format: "d" },

<Gantt {tasks} {links} {scales} />

Now you can move forward and load data. See Loading data.