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Fires when moving a task


"move-task": ({
id: string | number,
mode: string,
target?: string | number,
source?: string | number,
inProgress?: boolean
}) => boolean|void;


The callback of the move-task action can take an object with the following parameters:

  • id - (required) the task ID
  • mode - (required) specifies where to move a task with the next values:
    • up - move up
    • down - move down
    • before - move before the target task if the target task id is specified
    • after - move after the target task if the target task id is specified
    • child - move to a new parent
  • target - (optional) the id of a task before/after which to move the current task
  • source - (optional) the id of a source task that is moved
  • inProgress - (optional) true marks that the process of moving a task is still in progress (a task is being dragged by user); false specified that a user has released a mouse after after dragging a task.

For handling the actions you can use the Event Bus methods


Use the api.exec() method to trigger the action:

import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";
import { Button } from "wx-svelte-wx";

const data = getData();

let api;
function handleMove(mode) {
const selected = api.getState().selected;
api.exec("move-task", { id: selected, mode });


onclick={() => {
Move task up
bind:this={api} />

Related articles: How to access Gantt API