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Fires when updating a task


"update-task": ({
id: string | number,
task: object,
diff?: number,
inProgress?: boolean
}) => boolean | void;


The callback of the update-task action can take an object with the following parameters:

  • id - (required) the task ID
  • task - (required) the task object. The list of parameters you can see here: tasks. You can also specify the following parameters:
    • level - (required) the nesting level of a task in the tasks tree
    • data - (optional) an array of objects with child tasks objects if any (parameters are the same as for the task object)
    • key - (required) the name of the data field which should be unique for each control type (e.g., text, duration, progress, etc.)
  • diff - (optional) the number of units for the start or/and end date values to be changed (in the tasks object)
  • inProgress - (optional) if true, marks that the task update is in progress


The example below shows how to clear the task text when opening the Editor dialog for it.

import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Gantt } from "@wx/svelte-gantt";

const data = getData();

let api;

function clearTaskText() {
{ id: 3, task: { text: "" }


on:show-editor={clearTaskText} />

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