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Fires when adding a new task


"add-task": ({
target: string | number,
task: object,
mode: string
}) => boolean | void;


The callback of the add-task action can take an object with the following parameters:

  • target - (required) the task ID before or after which a new task will be added
  • task - (required) the task object. The list of parameters you can see here: tasks. You can also specify the following parameters:
    • level - (required) the nesting level of a task in the tasks tree
    • data - (optional) an array of objects with child tasks objects if any (parameters are the same as for the task object)
    • key - (required) the name of the data field which should be unique for each control type (e.g., text, duration, progress, etc.)
  • mode - (required) specifies where to place a task: before - before the task which id is specified or after it (after)


Use the api.exec method to trigger the action:

import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Gantt, Toolbar } from "@wx/svelte-gantt";
import { Button } from "@wx/svelte-wx";

const data = getData();

let api;

function handleAdd() {
api.exec("add-task", { task: {} });


<Button type="primary" click={handleAdd}>Add task</Button>
columns={data.columns} />

In the example below we use the api.intercept() method to change the task variable value replacing it with the relevant data from the add-task action:

import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Gantt } from "@wx/svelte-gantt";

const data = getData();

let task;
let api;

$: if (api) {
api.intercept("add-task", data => {
task = data.task;


//other settings />

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