The library provides two built-in locales:
- English
- Chinese
You can also apply a custom locale.
Default locale
The English locale is applied by default:
const en = {
lang: "en-US",
calendar: {
monthFull: [
monthShort: [
dayFull: [
dayShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
hours: "Hours",
minutes: "Minutes",
done: "Done",
clear: "Clear",
today: "Today",
am: ["am", "AM"],
pm: ["pm", "PM"],
weekStart: 7,
clockFormat: 24
core: {
select: "Select",
"No data": "No data"
formats: {
dateFormat: "%d.%m.%Y",
timeFormat: "%H:%i",
monthYearFormat: "%F %Y",
yearFormat: "%Y",
grid: {
"Add before": "Add before",
"Add after": "Add after",
Copy: "Copy",
Delete: "Delete",
cn locale
const cn = {
lang: "zh-CN",
// calendar
calendar: {
monthFull: [
monthShort: [
dayFull: [
dayShort: ["周日", "周一", "周二", "周三", "周四", "周五", "周六"],
hours: "小时",
minutes: "分钟",
done: "完成",
clear: "清除",
today: "今天",
am: ["", ""],
pm: ["", ""],
weekStart: 7,
clockFormat: 24,
core: {
ok: "确定",
cancel: "取消",
select: "选择",
"No data": "没有数据"
// formats
formats: {
timeFormat: "%H:%i",
dateFormat: "%Y-%m-%d",
monthYearFormat: "%F %Y",
yearFormat: "%Y",
// Grid
grid: {
"Add before": "添加之前",
"Add after": "添加在之后",
Copy: "复制",
Delete: "删除",
Applying locales
To apply a built-in locale, import the Locale object from "wx-svelte-core", the locale package from "wx-core-locales", and a built-in locale from "wx-grid-locales", and then add the words attribute for the required language to the Locale tag. Then, wrap Grid into the Locale tag.
import { Locale } from "wx-svelte-core";
import { cn } from "wx-grid-locales";
import { cn as cnCore } from "wx-core-locales";
import { Grid } from "wx-svelte-grid";
<Locale words={{ ...cn, ...cnCore }}>
<Grid {data} {columns}/>
To apply a custom locale, you need to create an object for the custom locale (or modify the existing one) and provide translations for all Grid text labels (it can be any language you need), and then follow the instructions from above to apply the locale.
Example for the Korean language:
import { Locale } from "wx-svelte-core";
import { Grid } from "wx-svelte-grid";
const ko = {
grid: {
Copy: "복사",
Delete: "삭제",
// other
calendar: { ... } // if needed
<Locale words={{ ko }}>
<Grid {data} {columns}/>