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API overview

Grid properties

autoConfigOptional. Enables creating a table structure automatically with default or basic columns settings
autoRowHeightOptional. Enables the autoheight of rows in the table
cellStyleOptional. Defines the style of a cell in the table
columnStyleOptional. Defines the style of a column in the table
columnsOptional. An array of objects with columns settings
dataOptional. An array of objects with data for the Grid
dynamicOptional. Enables dynamic data loading
footerOptional. Enables a footer in the table
headerOptional. Enables a header in the table
multiselectOptional. Enables selecting multiple rows using SHIFT or CTRL with the button click
overlayOptional. Shows an overlay when the table is empty or in the loading state
reorderOptional. Enables row reordering via drag-n-drop
rowStyleOptional. Defines the style of a row in the table
selectOptional. Enables/disables the possibilty to select rows on click.
selectedRowsOptional. Marks rows as selected
sizesOptional. An object with the table sizes settings (width and height)
splitOptional. Allows freezing the leftmost columns while scrolling
treeOptional. Enables the tree structure in the table

Grid actions

add-rowFires when adding a row
close-editorFires when closing the inline editor
close-rowFires when closing (collapsing) a row
collapse-columnFires when collapsing/expanding a column
data-requestFires while scrolling or at the initialization stage if dynamic data loading is enabled
delete-rowFires when deleting a row
editorFires when changing a value in the table via the inline editing
filter-rowsFires when filtering data
focus-cellFires when a cell is given focus
hide-columnFires when hiding a column
hotkeyFires when applying a hotkey in the table
move-itemFires when moving a row
open-editorFires when opening the inline editor
open-rowFires when opening (expanding) a row
printFires when printing the table
resize-columnFires when resizing a column
scrollFires when scrolling
select-rowFires when selecting a row
sort-rowsFires when sorting data by clicking the table header
update-cellFires when updating a cell
update-rowFires when updating a row

Grid methods

execAllows triggering the Grid actions
getColumnGets an object with the column configuration
getReactiveStateGets the state object with the reactive properties of the Grid
getRowGets an object with the row configuration
getStateGets the state object that stores current state of most Grid properties
getStoresGets an object with the DataStore properties of the Grid
interceptAllows intercepting and blocking/modifying actions
onAllows attaching a handler to the inner events
setNextAllows adding some action into the Event Bus order