API overview
Grid properties
autoConfig | Optional. Enables creating a table structure automatically with default or basic columns settings |
autoRowHeight | Optional. Enables the autoheight of rows in the table |
cellStyle | Optional. Defines the style of a cell in the table |
columnStyle | Optional. Defines the style of a column in the table |
columns | Optional. An array of objects with columns settings |
data | Optional. An array of objects with data for the Grid |
dynamic | Optional. Enables dynamic data loading |
footer | Optional. Enables a footer in the table |
header | Optional. Enables a header in the table |
multiselect | Optional. Enables selecting multiple rows using SHIFT or CTRL with the button click |
overlay | Optional. Shows an overlay when the table is empty or in the loading state |
reorder | Optional. Enables row reordering via drag-n-drop |
rowStyle | Optional. Defines the style of a row in the table |
select | Optional. Enables/disables the possibilty to select rows on click. |
selectedRows | Optional. Marks rows as selected |
sizes | Optional. An object with the table sizes settings (width and height) |
split | Optional. Allows freezing the leftmost columns while scrolling |
tree | Optional. Enables the tree structure in the table |
Grid actions
add-row | Fires when adding a row |
close-editor | Fires when closing the inline editor |
close-row | Fires when closing (collapsing) a row |
collapse-column | Fires when collapsing/expanding a column |
data-request | Fires while scrolling or at the initialization stage if dynamic data loading is enabled |
delete-row | Fires when deleting a row |
editor | Fires when changing a value in the table via the inline editing |
filter-rows | Fires when filtering data |
focus-cell | Fires when a cell is given focus |
hide-column | Fires when hiding a column |
hotkey | Fires when applying a hotkey in the table |
move-item | Fires when moving a row |
open-editor | Fires when opening the inline editor |
open-row | Fires when opening (expanding) a row |
Fires when printing the table | |
resize-column | Fires when resizing a column |
scroll | Fires when scrolling |
select-row | Fires when selecting a row |
sort-rows | Fires when sorting data by clicking the table header |
update-cell | Fires when updating a cell |
update-row | Fires when updating a row |
Grid methods
exec | Allows triggering the Grid actions |
getColumn | Gets an object with the column configuration |
getReactiveState | Gets the state object with the reactive properties of the Grid |
getRow | Gets an object with the row configuration |
getState | Gets the state object that stores current state of most Grid properties |
getStores | Gets an object with the DataStore properties of the Grid |
intercept | Allows intercepting and blocking/modifying actions |
on | Allows attaching a handler to the inner events |
setNext | Allows adding some action into the Event Bus order |