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Grid actions

add-rowFires when adding a row
close-editorFires when closing the inline editor
close-rowFires when closing (collapsing) a row
collapse-columnFires when collapsing/expanding a column
data-requestFires while scrolling or at the initialization stage if dynamic data loading is enabled
delete-rowFires when deleting a row
editorFires when changing a value in the table via the inline editing
filter-rowsFires when filtering data
focus-cellFires when a cell is given focus
hide-columnFires when hiding a column
hotkeyFires when applying a hotkey in the table
move-itemFires when moving a row
open-editorFires when opening the inline editor
open-rowFires when opening (expanding) a row
printFires when printing the table
resize-columnFires when resizing a column
scrollFires when scrolling
select-rowFires when selecting a row
sort-rowsFires when sorting data by clicking the table header
update-cellFires when updating a cell
update-rowFires when updating a row