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Applying complex editors

To apply a complex editor to a cell, you need to add a custom component/template to a cell:

  1. Import it to the page
  2. Add its name as the value of the cell parameter of the columns property
  3. Bind it to the Grid


import { CheckboxCell } from "./stubs/CheckboxCell.svelte";
import { Grid } from "@wx/svelte-grid";

import { getData } from "./common/data";
const { data } = getData();

let cell;
const columns = [
{ id: "id", width: 50 },
{ id: "checked", cell: CheckboxCell, width: 36 },

<Grid {data} {columns}
bind:CheckboxCell={cell} />

If you are interested to know how to apply custom styles to a cell, see the Styling section.

Related articles: How to access Grid API