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Fires when exporting data


"export": ({
options: {},
result: any
}) => boolean|void;


The callback of the action takes an object with the following parameters:

  • options - (required) an object with the following export settings:
    • format (string) - (optional) the export format which is "xlsx" or "csv"
    • cdn (string) - (optional) for excel only; the link to the library that exports to excel
    • header (boolean) - (optional) if set to true, headers will be exported
    • footer (boolean) - (optional) if set to true, footers will be exported
    • download (boolean) - (optional) if set to true, downloads a file; if set to false, adds the export results to the BLOB (for excel) or string (for csv)
    • fileName (string) - (optional) the name of a file
    • sheetName (string) - (optional) for excel only; the name of an excel sheet
    • rows (string) - (optional) for csv only; a separator for rows, "\n" is set by default
    • cols (string) - (optional) for csv only; a separator for columns, the default value is "\t"
    • styles (excel only) - (optional) an object with the header, cell, and footer style parameters:
styles = {
header: {
[key: string]: string; // an object with the style parameters
footer: {
[key: string]: string; // an object with the style parameters
cell: {
[key: string]: string; // an object with the style parameters
lastHeaderCell: {
[key: string]: string; // an object with the style parameters
firstFooterCell: {
[key: string]: string; // an object with the style parameters

The list of possible style parameters is the following:

    fontSize?: string;
align?: string; // left | center | right
verticalAlign?: string; // top | center | bottom

background?: string;
color?: string;

fontWeight?: string; // bold
fontStyle?: string; // italic
textDecoration?: string; // underline

format?: string;

// border valid format: {size} {style} {color}
// size: 0.5px | 1px | 2px (works only with 'solid' style)
// style: dashed | dotted | double | thin | solid
// color: #000 | #000000
borderTop?: string;
borderRight?: string;
borderBottom?: string;
borderLeft?: string;
  • result - the export result

Returning false from the event handler will block data export.


import { Grid } from "@wx/svelte-grid";
import { Button } from "@wx/svelte-core";
import { getData } from "./common/data";

const { data, columnsSpans } = getData();

let api;

function exportExcel() {
api.exec("export", {
options: {
format: "xlsx",
fileName: "clients",
sheetName: "Main client info",
styles: {
cell: { color: "#2c2f3c" },
header: { fontWeight: "bold", verticalAlign: "center" },
footer: { background: "#f2f3f7", color: "#2c2f3c" },

function exportCsv() {
api.exec("export", {
options: {
format: "csv",
fileName: "clients",
cols: ";",
download: false,
}).then((ev) => console.log(ev.result));

<Button click={exportExcel}>Export to excel</Button>
<Button click={exportCsv}>Export to csv</Button>

bind:api />

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