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Gets the state object that stores current state of most Grid properties


api.getState(): object;


The method returns an object with the following parameters:

columns: array, // an array with columns data
data: array, // an array with data for the table
dynamic: object, // an object with the number of rows in a dynamic dataset
editor: object,// an object with data for the open editor
filter: (obj: any) => boolean, // the filtering function; the filter-rows action handler
scroll: object, // on object with the scroll configuration
selected: string | number, // the id of the selected row
selectedRows: array, // an object with the ids of the selected rows
sizes: object, // an object with the table sizes configuration
sort: object, // an object with the sorting configuration
split: number, // the number of frozen columns
tree: boolean, // tree structure state
flatData: array // actual data;in case of tree structure,it's a plain dataset with the "level" marker to specify each item's level in hierarchy

The Grid properties detailed description you can find here: Grid properties overview.


The example below shows how to output the selected row ID by obtaining it via the api.getState() method:

import { Grid } from "@wx/svelte-grid";
import { getData } from "./common/data";
const { data } = getData();

const columns = [
{ id: "id", width: 50 },
{ id: "city", header: "City", width: 160 },
{ id: "firstName", header: "First Name" },
{ id: "lastName", header: "Last Name" },
{ id: "companyName", header: "Company" },

let api;
s = 0;
const updateSelected = () => (s = api.getState().selected);

<p>Click a cell to select a row. The selected row: {s || 'none'}</p>

<div style="height: 415px; ">
<Grid {data} {columns}
on:select-row={updateSelected} />

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