API overview
Gantt properties
activeTask | Defines an active task for which the Editor dialog is opened |
baselines | Shows or hides tasks baselines |
cellBorders | Defines borders style in the Gantt chart |
cellHeight | Defines the height of a cell in pixels |
cellWidth | Defines the width of a cell in pixels |
columns | An array of objects with configuration parameters for columns |
editorShape | An array of objects containing settings for managing the appearance and functionality of the Editor dialog |
end | Sets the end date of the timescale |
highlightTime | Highlights specific time areas in the chart |
lengthUnit | Defines the minimal unit for task bars (the task length) in a chart |
links | Defines links between tasks in Gantt |
markers | Defines visual markers on the time scale |
readonly | Prevents making changes to the data in Gantt |
scaleHeight | Defines the height of the header cell in pixels |
scales | Defines the timescale of Gantt |
selected | Marks tasks as selected |
start | Sets the start date of the timescale |
taskTemplate | Defines your own template for tasks bars |
taskTypes | An array of objects containing the tasks types data |
tasks | Defines tasks in Gantt |
zoom | Enables zooming in Gantt |
Gantt actions
add-link | Fires when adding a link |
add-task | Fires when adding a new task |
copy-task | Fires when copying a task |
delete-link | Fires when deleting a link |
delete-task | Fires when deleting a task |
drag-task | Fires when dragging a task |
expand-scale | Fires when the scale does not fill all free space in the chart and it's required to expand scale boundaries |
indent-task | Fires when indenting a task |
move-task | Fires when moving a task |
open-task | Fires when expanding a branch of tasks |
provide-data | Provides new data for a branch |
render-data | Fires when data is rendered when scrolling |
request-data | Fires when data for a task branch is requested |
scroll-chart | Fires when a chart is scrolled |
select-task | Fires when selecting a task |
show-editor | Fires when opening the Editor dialog for a task |
sort-tasks | Fires when sorting tasks |
update-link | Fires when updating a link |
update-task | Fires when updating a task |
zoom-scale | Fires when zooming a chart |
Gantt methods
detach | Allows removing/detaching action handlers |
exec | Allows triggering Gantt actions |
getReactiveState | Gets the state object with the reactive properties of Gantt |
getState | Gets the state object that stores current values of most Gantt properties |
getStores | Gets an object with the DataStore properties of Gantt |
getTask | Gets an object with the task configuration |
intercept | Allows intercepting and blocking/modifying actions |
on | Allows attaching a handler to the inner events |
setNext | Allows adding some action into the Event Bus order |