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ContextMenu helper


<ContextMenu {at} {resolver} {handler} {options} {filter} />

How to import and add ContextMenu to the Gantt chart, and other usage examples see here: Configuring Context Menu


  • at - defines the position of the menu:
    • "bottom" - the menu appears below the target node, left borders aligned (the menu goes to the right of the action area) - - "right" - the menu appears right to the target node
    • "left" - the menu appears left to the target node
    • "bottom-left" - the menu appears below the target node, right borders aligned (the menu goes to the left of the action area)
    • "bottom-fit" - the menu appears below the target node, the width of the menu is equal to the width of the target node
    • "point" - the menu appears at the specified left/top position and ignores the provided node
  • filter - the filter function
  • datakey - data-context-id which is task id
  • resolver - the function that takes the value of the data-context-id attribute (task id) and returns the id for the resulting event
  • options - defines menu options, see description here: defaultMenuOptions
  • handler - a function that is called when the menu item is activated


In the example below we hide the "Delete" menu option for the project type:

import { getData } from "../data";
import { Gantt, ContextMenu } from "@wx/svelte-gantt";

let api;
const data = getData();

const filterMenu = (option, task) => {
// hide the "delete" item for projects
const type = task.type;
if ( === "delete-task" && type === "project") return false;
return true;


<ContextMenu {api} filter={filterMenu} >