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An array of objects with configuration parameters for columns


columns?: [
width?: number,
align?: "left" | "right" | "center",
flexgrow?: number,
header: string,
id: string,
sort?: boolean,
template?: {
(b: any): string;
] | false;


  • flexgrow - (optional) specifies how much space (width) relative to the grid width the column will take (it will take no effect on columns with the set width); the property is specified as a number (if flexgrow is set to 1 in one column only, the column will take the full available width)
  • width - (optional) the column width value from here; the default value is "120px"
  • align - (optional) the text align value from here; the default value is "left"
  • header - (required) the label for a column header
  • id - (required) column id
  • sort - (optional) if set to true (default), enables sorting in a column; if false, the sorting is disabled
  • template - (optional) applies a template to a column; it's a function that takes an object and returns a string.

The columns property can be set to false to hide the tasks tree area.

Default config

{ id: "text", header: "Task name", flexgrow: 1, sort: true },
{ id: "start", header: "Start date", align: "center", sort: true },
{ id: "duration", header: "Duration", width: 90, align: "center", sort: true },
{ id: "action", header: "", width: 50, align: "center" },


import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

const data = getData();

const columns = [
{ id: "text", header: "Task name", flexgrow: 2 },
id: "start",
header: "Start date",
flexgrow: 1,
align: "center",
id: "duration",
header: "Duration",
align: "center",
flexgrow: 1,
id: "action",
header: "",
width: 50,
align: "center",

<Gantt tasks={data.tasks} links={data.links} scales={data.scales} {columns} />

In the next example the area with tasks tree is hidden by setting columns to false:

import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Gantt } from "wx-svelte-gantt";

const data = getData();


columns={false} />