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Editor API


interface EditorConfig {
// Configuration for the editor items
items: Array<Record<string, any>>;
// Automatically apply changes to the data object
autoApply?: boolean;
// Enable or disable auto-saving of data
autoSave?: boolean;
// Define the current active batch for the editor
activeBatch?: string;
// Configuration for the top toolbar
topBar?: {
// Array of items for the toolbar
items: Array<Record<string, any>>;
// Configuration for the bottom toolbar
bottomBar?: {
// Array of items for the toolbar
items: Array<Record<string, any>>;
// Additional CSS class for the editor's box
css?: string;
// Initial values for the editor fields
values?: Record<string, any>;
// Placement of the editor (inline, modal, sidebar)
placement?: "inline" | "modal" | "sidebar";
// Set the editor to readonly mode
readonly?: boolean;
// Define layout for the editor
layout?: "columns" | "default";
// Function to handle action events
onaction?: (ev: OnActionResult) => void;
// Function to handle change events
onchange?: (ev: OnChangeResult) => void;
// Function to handle save events
onsave?: (ev: OnSaveResult) => void;
// Function to handle validation events
onvalidation?: (ev: OnValidationResult) => void;


  • items - configuration for the editor items
  • autoApply - automatically apply changes to the data object
  • autoSave - enable or disable auto-saving of data
  • activeBatch - define the current active batch for the editor
  • topBar - configuration for the top toolbar
  • bottomBar - configuration for the bottom toolbar
  • css - additional CSS class for the editor's box
  • values - initial values for the editor fields
  • placement - placement of the editor (inline, modal, sidebar)
  • readonly - set the editor to readonly mode
  • layout - define layout for the editor


  • onaction - triggered when an action occurs within the editor, allowing interception or alteration of the action.
  • onchange - triggered when changes are made to the editor fields, enabling monitoring of user input.
  • onsave - triggered when the editor data is saved, providing a point to handle save operations.
  • onvalidation - triggered when validation occurs, allowing for interception or modification of the validation process.


  • Visit the Features Guide to learn more about the widget's functionality.
  • Explore the samples to visualize the available features.