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MultiCombo API Overview


import { MultiCombo } from "wx-svelte-core";

const dataset = [
{id:1, label:"First option"},
{id:2, label:"Second option"},
{id:3, label:"Third option"}

<MultiCombo options={dataset}/>
  • Visit the Features Guide to learn more about the control's functionality.
  • Explore the samples to visualize the available features.

MultiCombo Properties

checkboxesdefines whether MultiCombo options have checkboxes next to them
disableddefines whether a MultiCombo is disabled
errordefines whether error styling is applied to a MultiCombo
optionsspecifies a set of data items that will be used as MultiCombo options
placeholdersets the text of the input's placeholder
textfieldbinds MultiCombo options to the input field by the specified key
textoptionsspecifies a set of data items that will be used in the input and hidden from dropdown
titlesets a tooltip text with additional info about the control
valuespecifies the selected values

MultiCombo Events

changefires when a new value is selected in a multicombo