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The DatePicker control is a combination of an input text field and a drop-down calendar. The calendar is shown on click in the input. A date selected in the calendar appears in the input field. You can align the popup calendar relative to the input, set the popup's width, specify the date format, set the selected date and manipulate visibility of calendar buttons.



To create a DatePicker instance on a page, you need to complete two steps:

  • import the source file of the control on a page:
import { DatePicker } from "@wx/svelte-core";
  • apply the <DatePicker> tag to initialize a date picker:
<DatePicker />

A default date picker is initialized with no date selected.

Setting the value

You can select a particular date in the calendar and show it in the input of a date picker. Use the value property for this purpose. Set a Date object via the new Date() constructor as a value of the property and pass the desired date in the year, month, day format.


Pay attention that months' enumeration starts with 0.

<DatePicker value={new Date(2023, 0, 17)} />

The specified date will appear in the date picker input and the day will be highlighted in the calendar, if visible.

DatePicker initial value

Related sample: DatePicker

Getting the current value

You can get the current value of the DatePicker control. For this, you need to:

  • declare a variable that will contain the control's value (it may contain the initial value):
import { DatePicker } from "@wx/svelte-core";

let date;
  • bind the variable to the value property of the control:
<DatePicker bind:value={date} />

If the name of the variable matches its value, you can use the shorthand while binding the property:

import { DatePicker } from "@wx/svelte-core";

let value;

<DatePicker bind:value />

After that the value assigned to the bound variable will be updated on each change of the date.

Catching the change of the selected date

In case you need to catch the change of the selected date, you can do it by handling the select event. Inside the event you can get the newly selected date in the following way:

import { DatePicker} from "@wx/svelte-core";

import { getContext } from "svelte";
// importing helpers
const wh = getContext("wx-helpers");
// specifying the handler function
function showChanges(ev) {
// using the showNotice() helper function to show a message on change of the date
wh.showNotice({ text: `Date changed to ${ev.detail.selected}` });

<DatePicker width="100%" on:select={showChanges} />

The handler function of the select event takes the CustomEvent object as a parameter and returns an object with the new value of the date picker.

Related sample: DatePicker

Setting the date format

The default format of displaying a date in DatePicker is "%m/%d/%Y". You can change it and set your own format with the help of the format property.

<DatePicker value={new Date()} format="%d %F, %Y" />

DatePicker custom format

SVAR DatePicker uses the date-fns library for handling dates. You can find format specifications in the corresponding article.

Related sample: DatePicker

Aligning the calendar

The popup with a calendar which appears on click in the input of DatePicker is automatically aligned to the bottom left of the input. You can control its alignment with the align property.

<DatePicker align="center"/>

In the above example the popup is aligned to the center of the input field.

DatePicker align center

Related sample: DatePicker

Adjusting the calendar width

The popup of DatePicker adjusts its width to the calendar that is placed inside it. If needed, you can change the width of the popup using the width property. It works in the same way as the width CSS property. The value should be set as a string, e.g.:

<DatePicker width="100%" />

DatePicker popup width

Related sample: DatePicker

Hiding the calendar buttons

The calendar of DatePicker has the Today and Clear buttons in the lower part. If needed, you can switch those buttons off. Set the buttons property to false to achieve this purpose:

<DatePicker value={new Date(2022, 2, 18)} buttons={false} />

DatePicker without buttons

Related sample: DatePicker

Localizing the calendar

You can translate the labels of the calendar used inside the DatePicker control. The detailed information is given at the Calendar page. Take the following simple steps:

  • import the Locale object:
import { DatePicker, Locale } from "@wx/svelte-core";
import { DatePicker, Locale } from "@wx/svelte-core";
import { cn } from "@wx/core-locales";
  • wrap the DatePicker tag in the <Locale> tags and use the words property to set the locale:
Applying the Chinese locale
import { DatePicker, Locale } from "@wx/svelte-core";
import { cn } from "@wx/core-locales";

<Locale words={cn}>
<DatePicker />

DatePicker in Chinese

Customizing position of the icon

The "wxi-calendar" icon is placed in the rightmost part of the date picker input by default. You can put the icon in the leftmost part of the input (before the selected date) with the help of the css property of the control. Specify the name of the icon as "wx-icon-left":

<DatePicker value={new Date()} css="wx-icon-left" />

DatePicker custom icon position

Related sample: DatePicker

Adding a title

A title is a tooltip text that appears on hovering the mouse cursor over the input and may contain some extra information about the control. Use the title property to add a tooltip for a date picker:

<DatePicker error align="center" title="Invalid date" />

DatePicker title

Related sample: DatePicker

Adding a placeholder for the input

You can add a placeholder inside the date picker's input. The placeholder can contain some prompting message to make interaction with the control simpler. All you need is to set your message as a value of the placeholder property:

<DatePicker placeholder="Select a date"/>

DatePicker placeholder


For a placeholder to be visible in the input, a date picker should be initialized without the initial value specified.

Setting the disabled state

Whenever you need to render a disabled date picker, you can do it with the help of the disabled property. You can either set the property to true or set it without any value.

<DatePicker disabled={true}/>
<!-- or -->
<DatePicker disabled/>

DatePicker disabled state

Related sample: DatePicker

Adding a label

A default date picker has no label. To add it, you can use the Field component and complete several steps:

  • include the Field source file on a page, declare the <Field> tag and complete it with the necessary props:
    • add a desired label via the label property
    • set the position="left" property, if you want to place the label to the left of the date picker
    • specify the id variable to bind the field and date picker controls
import { DatePicker, Field } from "@wx/svelte-core";

<Field label="Select a date" position="left" let:id/>

After that, wrap the date picker in question into the <Field> tags and specify the id property for the date picker to link the controls:

<Field label="Select a date" position="left" let:id>
<DatePicker {id} />

DatePicker label

Related sample: DatePicker

Styling a date validation error

When you use a date picker inside a form and a wrong date value is passed to the control, you can use error styling to show that validation has failed. Once you've set the error property to true (or just specified the property without a value):

<DatePicker error={true}/> <!-- equals to <DatePicker error/> -->

the input's border, the selected date and the calendar icon become red. To make the label red as well, use the error property of the Field control.

import { DatePicker, Field } from "@wx/svelte-core";

<Field label="Error" error let:id>
<DatePicker error={true} {id}/>

DatePicker error style

Related sample: DatePicker