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Applying inline editors

The Grid widget provides a predefined number of inline editors that can be applied to a column cell: combo, multicombo, text, textarea, datepicker, switch, checkbox, richselect.

To apply the inline editor to column cells, set the editor parameter of the columns property to the required value.


import { Grid } from "@wx/react-grid";
import { getData } from "./common/data";

const { allData: data, countries, users } = getData();

const columns = [
{ id: "id", width: 50 },
id: "firstName",
header: 'Name - "text"',
editor: "text",
width: 180,
id: "country",
header: 'Country - "combo"',
editor: {
type: "combo",
config: { template: (option) => `${}. ${}` },
options: countries,
width: 180,
id: "date",
header: 'Date - "datepicker"',
width: 180,
editor: "datepicker",
template: (v) => (v ? v.toLocaleDateString() : ""),
id: "assigned",
header: 'Users - "richselect"',
width: 180,
editor: "richselect",
options: users,

export default function App() {
const api = useRef(null);

return <Grid data={data} columns={columns} api={api} />;