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Fires when closing a subrow

The action is triggered when the subrow or subview property is enabled and the row is collapsed by clicking the expand/collapse icon.


"close-subrow": ({
id: string | number
}) = > boolean|void;


The callback of the action takes an object with the following parameters:

  • id - (required) the id of a row the subrow belongs to

Returning false from the event handler will prevent closing subrows.


The example below shows how to output the id of the collapsed row to Console:

import { getData } from "./common/data";
import { Grid } from "wx-svelte-grid";

const { data, columns } = getData();
columns[0].subtoggle = true;
columns[0].width = 60;

function subTemplate(row) {
return `Followers: ${row.followers}\nStars: ${row.stars}`;

function init(api){
api.on("close-subrow", ev => {
console.log("Closed row:", (;
<Grid {data} {columns} subrow={subTemplate} subHeight={"50"} {init} />

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