overflow: 'collapse' | 'wrap' | 'menu'
this property controls how the toolbar handles items that do not fit on the screen. The default value is 'wrap'.
when button's group can't fit on a screen, collapse it to an icon
id: "font-family",
comp: "richselect",
id: "font-size",
comp: "richselect",
// this group may collapse on overflow
layout: "row",
items: [
id: "font-bold",
comp: "icon",
icon: "wxi-bold",
id: "font-italic",
comp: "icon",
icon: "wxi-italic",
id: "font-underline",
comp: "icon",
icon: "wxi-underline",
if you want to collapse whole toolbar, put all icons in top level "row" block.
when buttons can't fit on a screen, wrap them on the next line
<Toolbar overflow="wrap" />
this is the default behavior. on overflow, menu item will be placed on next line of the toolbar.
when button's group can't fit on a screen, move them to the popup menu
<Toolbar overflow="menu" />