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Toolbar API


interface ToolbarConfig {
// Array of items to be displayed in the toolbar
items?: Array<any>;
// CSS class for the top container
css?: string;
// CSS class for the top container of the popup menu
cssMenu?: string;
// Event handler for item click
onclick?: (event: any) => void;
// Event handler for value change
onchange?: (event: any) => void;
// Defines the behavior of the toolbar on overflow
overflow?: "collapse" | "wrap" | "menu";
// Initial values for controls inside the toolbar
values?: { [key: string]: any };


  • items - array of items to be displayed in the toolbar
  • css - css class for the top container
  • cssMenu - css class for the top container of the popup menu
  • overflow - defines the behavior of the toolbar on overflow
  • values - initial values for controls inside the toolbar


  • onclick - triggered when an item in the toolbar is clicked
  • onchange - triggered when the value of a control inside the toolbar changes


  • Visit the Features Guide to learn more about the widget's functionality.
  • Explore the samples to visualize the available features.