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Basic Menu

The Basic Menu is a simple yet versatile menu type that displays a list of options in a hierarchical structure. It allows users to navigate through different sections of an app or perform actions by selecting menu items. This type of Menu depends on the parent object and should be used together with the inner Portal component that allows taking a menu out of the Svelte app structure and put it at any place of the app.



To create a Menu instance on a page, you need to complete several steps:

  • import the source file of the Menu widget on a page:
import { Menu } from "wx-svelte-menu";
  • apply the <Menu> tag to initialize a menu:
<Menu />
  • load a data set with options into the menu:
<Menu {options}/>

Loading options

Options can be loaded into Menu on its initialization or after it. To begin with, you need to define a data set in the JSON format.

Specifying a data set

A data set will contain Menu options. You need to specify them as objects with attributes presented as key:value pairs. A data set for Menu can have both a plain structure and a more complex one - tree-like structure.

  • a plain data set structure:
var options = [
{ id: "add-task:child", text: "Child task" },
{ id: "add-task:above", text: "Task above" },
{ id: "add-task:below", text: "Task below" },
  • a tree-like data set structure:
var options = [
{ id: "add-task", text: "Add", icon: "wxi wxi-plus", data:[
{ id: "child", text: "Child task" },
{ id: "above", text: "Task above" },
{ id: "below", text: "Task below" }

A menu item object may contain a set of properties, they are listed below:

  • id - the id of a menu item
  • text - the text of a menu item
  • subtext - a dimmed text displayed to the right of the main item's text, such as a hot key or other additional info
  • icon - the name of an icon displayed before the text. It converts to adding <i class={item.icon}>, so any icons with the wxi- prefix can be used here, e.g ".wxi-plus" or any custom icons defined on the page. Read more about the usage of icons
  • css - the name of a CSS class that will be applied to an item to change its style
  • type - the type of an item. It can be a "separator" or a custom type registered as a menu item (e.g. type:"button)
  • data - an array of sub-items for a menu item. Used to create a tree-like menu structure
  • handler - a click handler function, takes an item object as a parameter

Loading options on initialization

To load a prepared data set on initialization of Menu, you should use the options property:

const options = [
{ id: "add-task:child", text: "Child task" },
{ id: "add-task:above", text: "Task above" },
{ id: "add-task:below", text: "Task below" },

<Menu {options}/>

Loading options after initialization

You can load options into Menu after its initialization from a separate JS file. These are the steps to follow:

  • prepare a file with data ("data.js") in the same directory where your application is placed
  • specify a function that will return an array of menu options in the data file and export this function to make it available from outside:
export function getProjects(){
return [
{ id:"a", text:"Project A" },
{ id:"b", text:"Project B" },
{ id:"c", text:"Project C" },
{ id:"d", text:"Project D" }
  • import the function into your application and assign it to the variable specified for options
  • use the options configuration property in the <Menu> tag. Set the name of the variable as its value or use the shorthand, if the name of the variable coincides with the name of the property:
import { Menu } from "wx-svelte-menu";

import { getProjects } from "./your_data";

const options = getProjects();

<Menu {options} />

Related sample: Menu basic

Adding custom options

Creating a menu item

You can use a custom component inside of a Menu item. To add a custom menu item, you need to create a file that will contain the code of your item, for example:

import { Button, Text } from "wx-svelte-wx";
export let item;

<div style="width: 120px" on:click={ev => ev.preventDefault()}>
<Text placeholder={} />
<Button icon="wxi-plus" type="primary" />

By default, clicking anywhere inside of a custom item component will activate menu closing and the click handler triggering. You can prevent it by intercepting the click event and using the preventDefault() method as in the above example.

Registering the item

When a component is ready, you should register it like this:

import { Button, Portal } from "wx-svelte-wx";
import { Menu } from "wx-svelte-menu";

import ButtonMenuItem from "./your_items/ButtonMenuItem.svelte";
import { registerMenuItem } from "../your_sources/helpers";
registerMenuItem("button", ButtonMenuItem);

The above code has added the type:"button" component.

Using the item as Menu option

Now you can use the newly created item in the options configuration. A custom "Add New" button is added into the menu below:

// applying a newly registered menu item type for an option
const options = [
{ id:1, text:"Add User", subtext:"Ctrl+A" },
{ id:2, text:"Refresh", subtext:"Ctrl+R" },
{ id:3, text:"Delete User", css:"danger" },
{ id:"btn", type:"button", name:"Add New" }

<Button type="primary">Click me</Button>
{#if menu1}
<Menu {options} parent={menu1}></Menu>

The result of adding a custom option into the menu is given below:

Custom option

Related sample: Custom options

Setting the parent of Menu

You can specify an optional HTML element as a Menu parent. Then use the parent property to link a menu to its parent. For example, a button can be used as a menu parent:

let menu1 = null;

<Button type="primary" click={ev => menu1 =}>Click me</Button>
{#if menu1}
<Menu {options} parent={menu1} on:click={clicked}></Menu>

In the above example a menu is wrapped into the Portal component. It allows taking Menu out of the strict Svelte code structure and put it anywhere you need in the app.

Related sample: Menu basic

Setting the position of Menu

Relative positioning

You can control the position of Menu relative to the target via the at property. In the example below Menu appears to the right of the target:

import { Button, Portal } from "wx-svelte-wx";
import { Menu } from "wx-svelte-menu";

let menu2 = null;

<Button type="primary" click={ev => menu2 =}>Click me</Button>
{#if menu2}
<Menu {options} parent={menu2} on:click={clicked} at={"right"}></Menu>

Related sample: Menu basic

The at property can have one of the values listed below:

  • "bottom" - (default) a menu appears below the target node, left borders aligned (the menu goes to the right of the action area)

Menu bottom position

  • "right" - a menu appears right to the target node

Menu right position

  • "left" - a menu appears left to the target node

Menu left position

  • "bottom-left" - a menu appears below the target node, right borders aligned (the menu goes to the left of the action area)

Menu bottom left position

  • "bottom-fit" - a menu appears below the target node, the width of the menu is equal to the width of the target node

Menu bottom fit position

  • "point" - a menu appears at the specified left/top position and ignores the provided node

Absolute positioning

You can show Menu at some particular coordinates on a page. There are left and top properties you should specify for this purpose. The values of these configs should be set in pixels. For example:

<Menu {options} left={100} top={200}>

Menu absolute position

Related sample: Menu basic

Catching the change of a clicked option

You can catch the change of a clicked option by handling the click event. Inside the event you can get an object of the clicked option as in:

let menu1 = null;

let message = "";
function clicked(ev){
const action = ev.detail.action;
message = action ? `clicked on ${}` : "closed";
menu1 = null;


<Button type="primary" click={ev => menu1 =}>Click me (bottom menu)</Button>
{#if menu1}
<Menu {options} parent={menu1} on:click={clicked} ></Menu>

The detail property of the CustomEvent (ev.detail) will contain an object related to the clicked menu item. When a user clicks outside the menu, the ev.detail of the generated click event will be null.

Related sample: Menu basic

Styling a Menu item

You can apply a particular style to a menu item via the css attribute of an item object. Use the global keyword while specifying a style to reach an isolated menu item. In the example below, the text of the third menu option turns red:

const options = [
{ id:1, text:"Add User", subtext:"Ctrl+A" },
{ id:2, text:"Refresh", subtext:"Ctrl+R" },
{ id:3, text:"Delete User", css:"my-color" }

let menu1 = null;

<Button type="primary">Click me</Button>
{#if menu1}
<Menu {options} parent={menu1}></Menu>

:global( span){
color: red;

As a result, the menu will look like this:

Menu item styling

Related sample: Item styling

How-To Guides

How to provide Menu scrolling together with the parent

By default Menu is attached to the document body. It allows using all screen space for menu visualization. However, this way has one limitation: if the activation area is inside a scrollable area, a menu will stay at the same place on the screen and will ignore scrolling.

To solve this issue, you can use the popupContainer component and initialize a menu in a specific container. Make sure that the container has either absolute or relative positioning set through CSS. Here is an example:

import { Button, Portal, popupContainer } from "wx-svelte-wx";
import { Menu } from "wx-svelte-menu";

let menu1 = null;

<div class="ex" use:popupContainer>
<Button type="primary" click={ev => menu1 =}>Click me</Button>
{#if menu1}
<Menu {options} parent={menu1} on:click={clicked}></Menu>

padding: 30px 30px 0 30px;
position: relative;

The menu placed inside the popupContainer component will be attached to the parent (a button in the above example) and scrolled together with it.

Related sample: Relative scroll

How to adjust Menu position to fit the page

In case there isn't enough space on a page for Menu, you can adjust the Menu configuration so that it will appear at the position that allows fitting in the page:

  • wrap the menu into the Portal component to extract the menu from the hierarchical structure of Svelte and specify the mount variable to bind the Portal to the menu
  • specify the mount property in the menu config
import { Portal } from "wx-svelte-wx";
import { Menu } from "wx-svelte-menu";

<Portal let:mount>
<Menu {options} {mount}></Menu>

The mount handler attaches the menu to a custom portal making it possible to show menu at the most suitable position to fit in the page. In the example below the second right menu will appear from the left of the button, since there isn't enough space from the right part of the button:

<Button type="primary" click={ev => menu2 =}>Click me (right menu)</Button>
{#if menu2}
<Portal let:mount>
<Menu {options} parent={menu2} on:click={clicked} at={"right"} {mount}></Menu>
<Button type="primary" click={ev => menu2 =}>Click me (right menu)</Button>

Menu Auto Fit

Related sample: Auto fit