format: string | ((text: string) => string)
this property controls how the message content is rendered. It can take a preset value of "text" or "markdown", or a custom formatting function. The default value is "text".
Rendering message's content as text
import { Comments } from 'wx-svelte-comments';
const value = [
id: "1",
content: "Hello, world!",
author:{ id: 1, name: "John Doe" },
date: new Date(),
<Comments {value} format="text" />
Rendering message's content in markdown format
import { Comments } from 'wx-svelte-comments';
const value = [
id: "1",
content: "Hello, **world**",
author:{ id: 1, name: "John Doe" },
date: new Date(),
<Comments {value} format="markdown" />
Rendering message's content in custom format
import { Comments } from 'wx-svelte-comments';
const value = [
id: "1",
content: "Hello @[John](user:1), check this link: {link||Click here}",
date: new Date()
// Custom formatter that handles @mentions and custom link syntax
const customFormat = (text) => {
// Convert @mentions: @[Name](user:id) -> <a href="/users/id">Name</a>
return text.replace(/@\[(.*?)\]\(user:(\d+)\)/g,
'<a href="/users/$2">$1</a>');
<Comments {value} format={customFormat} />